Complaints Procedure
Larne Credit Union aims to provide an exemplary, fair and transparent service to all its members. However, the credit union recognises there will be occasions when some aspect of its service, procedures or processes will be perceived by the member to have failed to have come up to the credit union’s business standards and this may lead to a complaint.
Rights of the Credit Union
Larne Credit Union Ltd asserts its right to make appropriate business decisions about any area of its operations; including admission of new members to membership and individual eligibility for credit as referenced in the membership and loan policies of the credit union.
Who can make a complaint?
Complaints may only be made by eligible complainants. An eligible complainant is:
- a credit union member or potential or former member.
- a nominated beneficiary or personal representative of (1) above.
How do I make a complaint?
A complaint may be made in writing or orally to an officer or volunteer of the Credit Union by letter, by telephone or by email direct to info@larnecreditunion.com. The officer or volunteer receiving the complaint should open a record of the complaint.
Responding to a Complaint
The credit union aims to resolve the complaint to the complainant’s satisfaction as speedily as possible and within the following time frames:
Within one day
Where possible we will resolve your complaint to your satisfaction at the point that you make us aware of it, or at least by the close of business on the next business day after the day on which the complaint was received.
Within 3 days
If the officer dealing with your complaint needs more time to collect information you will receive a letter (this may be by email) within 3 working days of the date of your complaint detailing the steps being taken and the expected date of completion. This letter will include the following information:
- the name or job title of the person handling the complaint.
- the credit union’s internal complaint handling procedure.
Investigating a Complaint
Investigating a complaint is the responsibility of the Complaints Officer or in certain circumstances a deputy appointed by the Chair of the Supervisory Committee.
Within 8 weeks
If still unresolved 8 weeks after receiving a complaint, the Credit Union will send the complainant:
- a final response, or
- a response which explains the delay and advises the complainant when a final response can be expected. The complainant will be asked whether they are willing to extend the time for the investigation to be completed.
- The complainant will be advised that if dissatisfied with the delay he can refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. A copy of the FOS leaflet “Your complaint and the Ombudsman” will be included with this response.
Final response
It is the Credit Union’s intention to provide a complainant with a satisfactory final response within 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint. The final response will include:
- A summary of the complaint
- A summary of the investigation into the complaint
- Whether the credit union acknowledges it has been at fault in any way
- Details of any redress or offer made to settle the complaint
- The complainant’s right to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if remaining unsatisfied with the final response from the Credit Union.
- A copy of the Financial Ombudsman Services explanatory leaflet.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
The role of the Financial Ombudsman Service in providing advice, mediation and arbitration in complaints against a Credit Union must be widely advertised to Credit Union members particularly when an account is opened and after a complaint has been made. If a complainant remains dissatisfied at the completion of the Credit Union’s internal complaint-handling procedure and receipt of a final response from the Credit Union, the complaint may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of receiving the Credit Union’s final response letter. Larne Credit Union undertakes to co-operate with any investigation undertaken by the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Contact Details
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Web: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk